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Brachiosaurus (brae·kee·uh·saw·ruhs)

Meaning of Name: Tall Chested Arm Lizard
Height: 50 ft
Length: 100 ft
Weight: 120,000 lbs
Eats: Plants (Herbivore)
Period: Jurassic

  • Brachiosaurus was a huge animal, with four tree-trunk like legs and a long neck and tail. It would have used its giraffe-like neck to graze on vegetation that other dinosaurs couldn’t reach.

  • Brachiosaurus was a member of a group of dinosaurs known as the sauropods. Sauropods are characterized by their enormous size, long necks, and long tails. (Other sauropods include Apatosaurus and Diplodocus.)

  • Brachiosaurus carried its huge body on four sturdy legs. It had five toes on each foot.

  • At the end of Brachiosaurus’s long, slender neck was a small head. Large nostrils indicate that Brachiosaurus had a highly developed sense of smell. Its mouth was filled with spoon-shaped teeth, unlike those of most other sauropods, which were peg-shaped.

  • Brachiosaurus had a small brain and was unlikely to have been very intelligent.

  • Unlike most other sauropods, Brachiosaurus had front legs that were longer than its back legs. This meant that its shoulders were higher than its hips, and that its neck would have risen up, giraffe-like, from its torso.

  • Its body would have sloped downwards towards its tail.


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