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Meaning of Name: Running Lizard
Length: 6 ft
Weight: 35 lbs
Eats: Meat (Carnivore)
Period: Campanian Stage

  • Dromaeosaurus was a medium-sized carnivore, about 2 m (6 ft 7 in) in length and 16 kg (35 lb) in body mass. Its mouth was full of sharp teeth, and it probably would have had a sharply curved "sickle claw" on each foot.

  • It lived during the Campanian stage of the Late Cretaceous. However, some fragmentary remains such as teeth that may belong to this genus have been found from the late Maastrichtian age Hell Creek and Lance Formations, dating to 66 million years ago. Teeth have also been found in the Aguja Formation.

  • Dromaeosaurus had a relatively robust skull with a deep snout. Its teeth were rather large and were shaped like a curved cone with a coat of enamel covering the crown. It had only nine teeth in each maxilla. 

  • Dromaeosaurus also had a vein at the back of the head, the vena capitis dorsalis, that drained the front neck muscles through two long canals running to the posterior surface of the brain. The Meckelian groove of Dromaeosaurus is rather shallow and does not have much depth.


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